Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Assalamualaikum and hello,
hows your progress buddy??

like i promise to you, this new post is about the exercises that will help you to lose fat. But always BARE in ur mind that 70% of our result come from the diet and another 30% are exercise plus 20% of rest.It is a must for you to have 120% commitment to be fit and lose fat. When it comes to complete the exercises many people tend to neglect it because it takes time. But they are absolutely wrong! have you ever heard about interval training? with 5-10 minutes of warming up(slow jog) and 30 second of sprint with 1-3minute of rest between set will burn your fat 3X BETTER than 60 minutes slow jog and it is enough for you to have about 30-40 minute work out. But it depends on your rest between sets.

interval training example :

Monday, February 14, 2011

Salam Maulidur Rasul

Credit to for the picture

Nakkurussihat wishing you Salam Maulidur Rasul to All our muslim friend.
Remember one of the secret to success is 'usaha doa dan tawakal'
may Allah Bless us All.

next post on exersize that suitable for fat loss program..

p/s :even if it holiday dont skip your exercise and diet. 

wrote :
sixpack dreamer


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Motivation is important when ur trying to change something in ur life, it's like a catalyst that keeps u going. for me motivation has helped me A LOT because it helps to maintain my rule no 5(consistency). when ur motivated ur exercise or diet become WAY EASIER. Let me share with u some of ways i motivate myself.

-snap a picture and monitor ur progress from day to day. do it at least once per month. u will witness the difference.(snap urself from the same pose with the same background)
-take ur UGLIEST, FATTEST picture and put it  next to ur dream body (bodybuilder,fitness model or hollywood stars - it doesnt matter). Dream and work hard to achieve it. Trust me, IT WORKS WONDERS.
 One of my mentor and my dream body.
 from scot herman fitness

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